A Case Study of the Experiences of Beginning Superintendents

Doctoral Candidate Name: 
Devron Kenneth Furr
Educational Leadership

Superintendent turnover in the state of North Carolina is a concern. Through a qualitative multiple case study, the researcher’s goal in conducting this study was to explore the lived experiences of eight first-year superintendents in North Carolina. Using Hambrick and Fukutomi’s (1991) concept of the seasons of a chief executive officer’s tenure, this study explored participants’ pathways to the superintendency and professional and personal challenges while in the role. Additionally, this study sought further understanding of participants’ priorities, successes, and mistakes, along with advice they had for aspiring superintendents. Eight semi-structured interviews were used to gather data for this study. To identify themes from the eight interviews, data were analyzed using a constant comparison analysis (Marshall & Rossman, 2006). The findings of the study align with existing literature about the experiences of superintendents. Common themes from the eight participants illuminated the importance of a productive partnership with the board of education, professional relationships with stakeholders, and the need for professional networking. Additionally, participants commonly felt a sense of professional isolation and struggled to maintain work-life balance. Implications and recommendations included the need to ensure aspiring superintendents closely consider the alignment between their goals and dispositions and those of the board for which they may work. Additionally, networking and long-range planning were emphasized along with proactive measures to address the social and emotional needs of those serving in highly demanding superintendent positions.

Defense Date and Time: 
Thursday, February 22, 2024 - 1:00pm
Defense Location: 
Zoom https://charlotte-edu.zoom.us/j/7213332920
Committee Chair's Name: 
Dr. Walter Hart
Committee Members: 
Dr. Scarlett Zhang, Dr. Jamie Kudlats, and Dr. David Pugalee